harvest.orders -- Co-Op Members' Bulk Orders Notifications


About harvest.orders
English (USA)

This list is used by the Monashee Community Co-Op to send notifications from the Buyer concerning bulk deliveries. To place an order, please go to Order Online.

Subscribing to harvest.orders

Subscribe to harvest.orders by filling out the following form. You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. This is a private list, which means that the list of members is not available to non-members.

    Your email address:  
    Your name:  
To UN-SUBSCRIBE to harvest.orders
To unsubscribe from harvest.orders, get a password reminder, or change your subscription options enter your subscription email address:

If you leave the field blank, you will be prompted for your email address

(The subscribers list is only available to the list members.)

Enter your address and password to visit the subscribers list:

Address: Password:   

harvest.orders list run by harvest.orders-owner at monasheecommunitycoop.ca
harvest.orders administrative interface (requires authorization)
Overview of all monasheecommunitycoop.ca mailing lists

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version 2.1.39
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